Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama Inauguration!

From what I have seen on T.V. and what I have read, this inaguration is one of the most meaningful ones yet in American history. It is extremely meaningful because our first African-American president has been sworn in and a change has come. This man's name is Barrack Hussein Obama. From what I have read, he is going to try to make change in the U.S. for the better. However, he is going to do it differently than the other presidents. Obama feels that the challenges we are facing are definitely a problem, and no, they will not be met soon, but they will definitely be met and will be fixed. He also wants people to know that he is very grateful of his position and will try to be the best president he can be through the help of others. Being our 44th president of the U.S. and the 56th inauguration, this is sure to be a milestone in all of history throughout the world.

In the first article I read, it talked about what happened at the inauguration and included a few quotes from Obama. According to what I found in this piece of information, there are many parts to the inauguration and many other events that take place besides swearing in the president. For example, Obama had to go to ten inaugural balls before he could spend one, single night in the White House. Also, there is a parade that celebrates the coming of a new president and the change he is willing to bring. In Obama's speech, he said, "Today, I say to you the that the challenges we face are real, they are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America, they will be met,". In my opinion, this means that Obama knows there are many problems that need to be fixed in America, and he knows he's going to help change them. But, they aren't going to be changed as quickly as some people would like. All in all, this is my analysis of the first article, however, I also have an analysis for another article that I have read.

In this article, the main idea was about what Obama did on the day of the inauguration and some of the quotes from his speech. First of all, Obama led a parade of 10,000 people down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House. There were many floats, marching bands, members of the military, and Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts marching down the street in the parade. Obama also attended a lunch with members of congress. Following a tradition, Obama, Biden and their wives began worship at St. John's Episcopal Church near the White House. Furthermore, one quote that Obama said that really hit me was, "We will not apoligize for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defense, and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you,". This quote struck me hard because it is about Obama's opinion about the terrorist situation and what he believes is the right thing to do. Overall, this is what was written in the second article and next will be my opinion about the issue and any questions I may still have after reading the articles.

In my opinion, out of all 44 presidents, I have to say that Obama is going to be one that nobody can forget easily. Now I am not just saying this because he is the first African-American president, but he is one of the more down-to-earth presidents. By this I mean that he sees issues for what they really are a realizes that they cannot be solved with just a wave of a magic wand. They are going to take time. And he is not the only one that is going to help solve them, he's going to need support and cooperation from the people around him. To me, when running for president of the U.S., you have to realize that there are many issues in the world, not all of them are going to be solved in one day, and many of them may not be solved period, but you have to have faith and patience with yourself, the world, and people around you to make this happen. Additionally, I have a question about the inauguration and other events that occured on this special day. The question I have is that did Obama's daughters come to the worship at the church? Or was it strictly for adults only? In conclusion, that was that summary of what I read, my analysis of the two articles, my opinion of the topic, and the question that was still lingering in my head.

I found my first article from:

I found my second article from:

I found my picture from:

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