Thursday, October 23, 2008

Class Review

On Monday, our class reviewed the food chain, producers, consumers, and decomposers. Plus we played a game on the Smart Board which helped us figure out which kind of animals would be in a certain spot on the food chain. Additionally, we completed a worksheet in our notebooks that talked about producers and consumers. One interesting fact I learned was organisms are either producers or consumers, depending on the source of their energy. Also, I learned that some food chains can keep going in circles and never end. In addition, I found out that the producers are usually at the bottom of the food chain. A piece of information that I found from another source is that a food chain is a linear sequence representing the nutrition of various species from the simplest plant to the carnivores on the top. Another fact I found was that top carnivores are usually the least numerous, largest, and most complex animals. I believe this subject is extremely important to understand because we need to know what eats what and how it will impact the environment. For example, if a decomposer eats all of the dead organisms in the environment, then we need to know how it will affect life around it. All in all, this is what we did in class on Monday, October 20th, what I learned, and how I feel about it.
I found all of my information from:

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